Post // 3

Hello my eight wonderful readers! I appreciate you, each and every one.

Agnieszka Zajac kindly sent me a copy of her very good book ‘Why Collage’. Thanks Aga! I was honoured to be a part of your very well put together book. The format is a nice big image with some words from each artist below. The publication is sponsored by Kanyer Art Collection

It’s always interesting to hear how artists approach their work or why they make what they make and this small but perfectly formed book does it really well. I love it when people are really honest as well as insightful.

Some lines from my favourites…

From Inga Markstrom @absurd.mirror ‘Collage for me is an escape from the intensity of the world around us’

‘I’m not very good at drawing and collage gives me the opportunity to create whatever I want.’ Margot De Korte @margotbirgitte

‘There is something about seeking out and noticing small things that is a kind of joy, a kind of gratitude even. I feel very calm, focused and in-flow when I create.’ Leo Taylor @ordinary_shapes

‘I am not hugely talented, but I was always inspired by language(s). Come to think of it collage is just another language - or a set of related languages, some of which lay dormant and are yet to be discovered. I like to think that I speak my own collage dialect quite fluently.’ Harri Kalha @harri.kalha

‘The beauty of creation lies in knowing there are no wrong turns in making collage…’ Emanuela Massa @emanuelamassa_

‘Aesthetics and evoking emotions that viewers feel in my artwork are very important to me.’ Edyta Ciosek @edytaciosekcollages

This is just a small taster - there’s loads more great images and information from the artists in the book. Buy the publication direct from Aga via her instagram account @_agazart_